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Food & Design



DIRECTOR:  Tsai Mu-Ming

​★ Newport Beach Film Festival - Audience Award for Best Culinary Feature
​★ Rome Prisma Film Awards - Winner of the Best Feature Doc
​★ New York Movie Awards - Winner of the Best Feature Documentary
​★ London Director Awards - Official Selection
​★ Rameshwaram International Film Festival - Winner of Best Documentary Feature Film
​★ Aasha international film festival - Best Documentary film
​★ Robinson Film Awards - Best Feature Documentary
​★ Silicon Beach Film Festival - Official Selection


Featuring interviews from Italy, Spain, Taiwan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, "Food & Design" is a documentary on food design, redefining food through the lens of creativity and design.
During the pandemic, we found ourselves cooking more at home and stumbled upon the intriguing concept of "Food Design." This led us on a fascinating journey, where we began delving deeper into the world of food. We discovered that food is far more than just sustenance—it's both fundamental yet incredibly complex, leading to a lot of interesting questions: What exactly is food? How does it connect to our lives? How can we design it? How can food transcend into a medium of creativity and not just fuel for our body?
We hope our film doesn’t just make you feel hungry, but hungry for creativity with a fresh perspective on food.

《Food & Design 食物設計》是一部探討「食物設計」的紀錄片,透過創新與設計的角度來重新定義什麼是食物。我們這次造訪了五個國家,訪問了西班牙的食物設計先驅 Martí Guixé、荷蘭飲食設計師 Marije Vogelzang、義大利學者 Francesca Zampollo、英國前衛食物藝術雙人組 Bompas & Parr;台灣則有米其林三星主廚 André Chiang 江振誠、食物設計師 Amber Chan 詹慧珍與 Slow Chen 陳小曼,分享許多關於食物的觀察與思維。我們希望透過這部片傳達食物設計不只是擺盤,而是透過設計思考、美學與心理學,帶你重新去看待如此日常卻不簡單的食物~


Sales & Festivals CONTACT 

Sin Wang


Tel.: +886-2-7730-2648 ext.305



Activator Co., Ltd. 

TEL:+886-2-7730-2648 FAX:+886-2-2748-6891

ADD: 9F., No. 137, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei 105, Taiwan

​地址:台北市松山區南京東路四段137號9樓          統編 53310503

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