Activator Co., Ltd is a professional film marketing team in Taiwan and has been established over 10 years since 2011. The founders are well-known producer and actress Lieh Lee, entertainment entrepreneur Tien-Tsung Ma, and marketing pioneer Steve Wang. The goal of the company is to gather movie makers and talented people for working together and bring more great works to film lovers and audiences. For being the bridge between films and audience, the company focuses on film marketing, production, distribution, and sales in all genres of films.
Activator Co., Ltd has distributed over a hundred films as a well-known film marketing brand in Taiwan, including “Jump Ashin! ”, “Beyond Beauty”, “Zone Po Site”, “Detention”, “i WEiRDO”, “Incantation", and created the box office record over 1.2 billion Taiwan dollars.
Activator also produced essential film works recently, including “Formosa 3D”(documentary), “Late Life: Chien Ming Wang Story” (documentary), “Chen Uen”(documentary), “Lost Butterfly”(documentary), “i WEiRDO”(feature), “Dead Talents Society”(feature), "No No Thought"(Documentary) and “Papa Fuji’s Unexpected Journey”(feature, pre-production, won Grand prize of FPP in Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 2021).
In 2020 and 2022, Activator Co., Ltd won the best film marketing award at the Taipei Film Festival for “Detention” and “Incantation”.
牽猴子股份有限公司 成立於2011年2月至今,創辦人為知名監製李烈、文創企業家馬天宗、影視藝文行銷人王師,集合台灣中生代、新生代影視藝文菁英力量,立志為台灣影視藝文產業打造專業的整合服務。旗下業務範圍涵蓋電影策畫/製作/行銷/發行/版權銷售,長年專注於「擔任作品與觀眾間的橋梁」,全心推廣台灣在地優質影片,所服務之電影類型橫跨商業類型片、獨立藝術片、紀錄片、動畫片,是台灣首屈一指的專業影視宣發團隊。
2024 ~ 2025 Line-up
《Of Color Of Ink》(Taiwan Territory only)
《Ro Ro Land》(animation 2025 coming soon)
2023 - 2024 Line-up
《Free Beats : The Musical Journey of CHEN Ming Chang》
《The Pig》
《Lan Ling 40th: Experimental Actors Studio》
《On the train》
《 A Night with Moosina》(Taiwan only)
2022 Line-up
《Dust of angels》4K version(Taiwan only)
《The Funeral》
《Shiro - Hero of Heroes》
2020-2021 Line-Up
《TaYou Lo – Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, Lukang Concert documentary》
《TaYou Lo – Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, Lukang Concert》series
《The way home》by Elaine Wei
《Relationships》by Mu-ming Tsai
《Chen Uen - TV Series》by Echo Ko
《Chen Uen》by Wan-Jo Wang
《Whale island》by Chia-Chun Huan
《The Red Leaf Legend》by HSIAO Chu-chen
《Grandma's Hairpin》by HSIAO Chu-chen
2019-2020 Line-Up
《Ga-Tau Chang》by Lungnan Isak Fangas
《Twelves nights 2》by Raye
《A-Tien》by Yueh-Tzu SUN
《Andre and his olive tree》by JOSIAH NG
《Water with Life》by Delta Electronics Foundation
《Rock me to the moon》by Chia-Chun Huang
《Formosan B.B. is coming》by Jue-Ming Mai
《Gold Fish》by Fish Wang
《To Pluto》by Yen-Ju Lee
《Time of Cherry Blossoms》by Shiu Cheng Tsai
《Turning 18》by Chao-ti Ho
《Run for Dream》by Mao-Sen Huang
《Almost Perfect》(Taiwan only)
2018 Line-Up
《Late Life - The Chien-Ming Wang Story》by Frank W Chen
《High Flash》by Ching Shen Chuang
《Tsunma, Tsunma: My Summer with the Female Monastics of the Himalaya》by Lifang Lin
《The Moving Tent》by Singing Chen
《Hanzi》by Mu-Ming Tsai
《Maker》by Mu-Ming Tsai
《Design & Thinking》by Mu-Ming Tsai
《Paradoxical》by Mu-Ming Tsai
《Guo Mei》by Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu
《Lobster Kid》by Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu
《Nia's Door》by Lau Kek-Huat
《Formosa 3D》by Charlie Chu
《Barkley》by Li-Wei, Chiu
《A Journey of 35》by Lo Yi-Hsiu
《Jump! Men》by Lin Yu-Hsien & Kuo Le-Hsing
《Manfei》by En-Chen
《All Because of Love》by Lien,Yi-Chi
《God Bless You》by KingA
《My Dear Art》by Hao-hsuan Hsu
《Ah-Art》by Hao-hsuan Hsu
《A Foley Artist》by Wan-Jo Wang
《The Silent Teacher》by Maso Chen
2016《Absent without Leave》
《Cycling Angels》
《Ode to Time》
《Daughter of the Nile》
《If There is a Reason to Study》
《Go!Crazy Gangster》
《The 17th Journey of Compassion》
2015《The Walkers》
《The Rocking Sky》
《Wansei Back Home》
《Wawa No Cidal》
《Flowers Of Taipei - Taiwan New Cinema》
《Fly Kite Fly》
《Mazu Procession》
《Meeting Dr. Sun》
《A Rolling Stone》
2013 《Beyond Beauty - TAIWAN FROM ABOVE》 (Taiwan Theatrical)
《Rock Me To The Moon》(Taiwan Theatrical)
《Almost PERFECT》(Taiwan Theatrical)